Rudy’s Olde Hat
As of December 12, 2014, our beloved friend, colleague and artist in his own right – Herman Snell, would have been 45..
Herman left us way too early in 2010 but we have helped rescue one of his pet projects..
A short documentary Herman directed in spring of 2003 called ‘Rudy’s Olde Hat’..
The footage sat on shelves and even was lost for a few years until Philip Scarborough recently acquired it and saved the treasure of a film..
Celebrate Herman Snell by watching this 14min gem about hermit and junk collector Rudolph ‘Rudy’ Boutwell..
Nothing is really worth anything – until somebody wants it..
Rudy’s Olde Hat from Spot On Productions, LLC on Vimeo.
Carla Johnston McCann
February 3, 2015Very enjoyable piece. I went through the Old Hat one time and thought I would never see the light of day again. There was so much to see and if you did find something you wanted, it would take a awhile to get it out. For the last three months, I have been driving past Rudy’s Old Hat on my way into Hattiesburg and I have wondered each time what would become of the place and the things in it. The Gandy Parkway changed my driving habits and I almost forgot about getting on the 11 ByPass to go places. Makes you wonder about all the cats too. They lurked around the store. It may not be worth much monetarily but it’s part of history and it would be a shame for it to slowly rot away. I hope one day to see those doors opened again and sooner rather than later.
Michael Hodges
February 3, 2015Rudy certainly needed to be put on film, to save his history for all to see. And it looks like Herman Snell did a cinematic job fitting of the best in the art of documentaries.
Patrice Seal
February 4, 2015Years ago my mother and I went in search of a chair to go with an antique desk at Rudy’s. After going through the building on a very narrow rabbit trail, passing numerous litter boxes the perfect chair was spotted hanging from the ceiling. As Rudy started to get it down I turned to my mother and said ,”let s get the hell out of here before this all falls down”! We stood outside until he finally emerged with the chair. The fear was real.
Dow Ford (@DowFord)
February 4, 2015The story gives me hope that there will always be a place like Rudy’s at the crossroads of weirdness and artistry–a place you can’t forget. After all, who even remembers a trip to Walmart or would want to. Very well done.