Philip Scarborough (co-founder, director/editor) began working in commercial and documentary film in the mid-1990s, and has produced commercials and videos for a variety of clients, including Time Warner Cable, C Spire, Viking Range Corporation, Singing River Health System, Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi and advertising agencies such as Maris West Baker Advertising, The Mann Agency, The Cirlot Agency, The Ramey Agency, GodwinGroup, Frontier Strategy Group, Broderick Advertising and The Gibbes Company. Founder of Crossroads Film Society, Philip is also a director of award-winning short films that combine the absurd whimsy of Wes Anderson with the clockwork precision of Orson Welles.
Since 2001, Tom Beck (co-founder, producer) has produced commercial, ad spots, and videos for the Godwin Group, Creative Distillery, MadGenius, Krauscape Films, and Maris, West & Baker, among other clients. His still photographs have graced the covers and interiors of PMQ, Mississippi Magazine, Delta Magazine, and Portico Magazine. They’ve also been featured in campaigns for Ballet Mississippi, Dish Network, The Shed BBQ & Blues Joint, Liz Claiborne Inc, and Bravo!. An admirer of filmmakers Ingmar Bergman, Akira Kurosawa, and Martin Scorsese, Tom fuses strong storytelling instincts with compositional elegance.
Philip and Tom joined forces to form Spot On Productions, LLC, a high-end film production company based in Jackson, MS. Tom’s gift for collaborating with actors and crew members—grounded in a firm sense of narrative vision—meshes well with Philip’s technical sophistication and inventive camerawork. Together, they’ve made Spot On into a powerhouse that creates stylish, playful, and imaginative films and videos. The team has produced, directed, and contributed work—most prominently—to and for the William F. Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation, Mississippi Symphony Orchestra, C Spire, the Mississippi Center for Justice, and the Mississippi Department of Transportation.
From commercials and promo spots to documentaries and creative endeavors, Spot On can fill all your directing, editing, effects, and all pre- and post-production needs.